How to Stop Instagram from Scrolling to the Top Android?

Curious about How to Stop Instagram from Scrolling to the Top Android? Continue reading to find the solution.

Chances are, like many others, you’ve found yourself immersed in your Instagram feed, only to realize that you’ve been endlessly swiping through posts and videos for far longer than you had planned.

The culprit behind this is Instagram’s auto scroll feature, which automatically loads the next post as you reach the end of your feed.

While it ensures you stay updated with fresh content, it can be quite bothersome when you’re deep into your feed and suddenly find yourself back at the top.

If you’ve been searching for ways to prevent Instagram from automatically scrolling to the top on Android, you’re in the right place.

In this article, we’ll explore 4 effective methods to stop Instagram from scrolling to the top Android and regain control over your social media usage.

What is Instagram’s Auto-Scrolling Feature?

Instagram’s auto-scrolling, or snap scrolling, is a clever way to keep users in the loop with the freshest posts.

Upon launching the app, your feed instantly refreshes and brings you back to the latest content. For avid content seekers, this functionality proves highly valuable, ensuring they’re always up-to-date.

Yet, it’s worth noting that some users may find themselves a bit frustrated by relinquishing control over the pace of their scrolling.

Instagram is a bustling platform where millions of new posts are shared every second. It’s a testament to the constant flow of content that keeps our feeds ever-refreshing.

While this is usually not an issue, there are times when Instagram automatically scrolls, presenting us with the latest posts.

This automatic scrolling can be frustrating as it hinders us from viewing all the new content that appears. Understandably, many users have expressed their grievances about this feature.

In fact, on Quora, you can find examples of people actively seeking a solution to disable the auto-scrolling on Instagram:


Why does Instagram keep scrolling to the top?

Understanding the root cause is crucial when it comes to effectively addressing any problem.

  • Auto-scrolling behavior on Instagram can be triggered by multiple factors, including app version, cache accumulation, or network settings.
  • Another factor leading to the automatic activation of auto-scroll is the absence of Data Saver mode being turned on.
  • Identifying these factors allows you to select the most suitable solution to prevent the app from jumping back to the top.

Is there actually any viable solution to put an end to the infuriating auto-scrolling on Instagram?

Well, worry not, as there are indeed some methods you can employ to keep your Instagram feed from incessantly auto-scrolling.

How to Stop Instagram from Scrolling to the Top Android

How Stop Instagram from Scrolling to the Top Android

Alright, let’s delve into the heart of the matter: how to prevent Instagram from scrolling back to the top on Android. Below, you’ll find the necessary steps to achieve this:

Step 1: Open the Instagram app.

Step 2: Locate and tap on your profile icon, which can be found in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Step 2 profile Icon

Step 3: Next, click on the three-line menu icon situated at the top right of the screen and select ‘Settings and Privacy‘ from the options displayed at the bottom.

Step 3 tap setting

Step 4: Scroll down and Click on “Data usage and media quality“.

Step 4 data usage and media

Step 5: Under ‘Cellular data settings‘ enable the ‘Data Saver‘ option.

Step 5 Data sever

By adhering to these steps, you’ll be able to successfully halt Instagram’s auto-scrolling on your Android device.

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4 Alternative Methods to Stop Instagram from Scrolling to the Top Android

If the main approach doesn’t prove effective for you, don’t worry, as there are several alternative strategies worth exploring:

Methos 1: Enabling Data Saver Mode

Data Saver Mode in the Instagram mobile app enables users to control their data usage effectively.

By reducing background content loading, this feature allows users to browse, interact with posts, and conserve data.

With Data Saver Mode active, images and videos will only load when users choose to click on them, ensuring a seamless experience while being mindful of data consumption.

Step 1: Launch the Instagram app on your device and sign in to your account.

Step 2: Locate your profile icon situated at the bottom right corner of the screen, and tap on it to access your profile.

Step 3: Now, you’ll see three horizontal lines at the top right corner of the screen. Give them a tap to open the menu, and then select “Settings and Privacy“.

Step 4: Inside the Settings and Privacy click on “Data usage and media quality“.

Step 5: Within the Cellular data settings, you’ll find the option labeled “Use less data“. Simply toggle the switch to turn on the Data Saver option.

Once you’ve activated the data saver option, simply return to your Instagram feed and begin scrolling.

From now on, you’ll have full manual control over your feed, without Instagram’s auto-scroll feature interfering.

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Method 2: Installing Third-Party App

If you want to stop Instagram from automatically scrolling through your feed, you can easily achieve this by installing a third-party app from the App Store or Play Store.

Following a few simple steps, you can regain control of your scrolling experience without any hassle.

Here’s what you need to do:

Step 1: Open either the Play Store (for Android) or the App Store (for iOS) on your device.

Step 2: Search for an app called “Auto Scroll for Instagram“.

Step 3: Once you find it, go ahead and install the app.

Step 4: After installation, open the app and navigate to the “Settings” option.

Step 5: Look for the toggle switch labeled “Auto Scroll” and switch it off.

Step 6: Close the app, and now you can go back to using Instagram.

You should now have the ability to smoothly browse through photos without the automatic scrolling feature.

There are some handy third-party options like “Click assistant“, “easy scroll” and “automatic scroll” that you can utilize for this purpose.

“However, it’s essential to exercise caution when using these apps, as they may pose a risk to the security of your Instagram account. Never disclose your Instagram login credentials to these applications. Your account’s safety should always be a top priority.”

Method 3: Holding Down on Posts

Here’s a human-like rewrite of the provided instructions, maintaining the original meaning and quality while avoiding excessive additions:

To get started on Instagram with your Android device, follow these simple steps:

  1. Launch the Instagram app from your device’s home screen.
  2. Begin scrolling through your feed to discover various posts.
  3. Whenever you come across a post that catches your interest and you’d like to read or watch it, gently press and hold your finger on the post.
  4. By doing this, you’ll ensure that the post remains in view and won’t scroll away.
  5. Once you’ve finished reading or watching the post, simply lift your finger, and the feed will resume its normal scrolling.

Also Read: What Is The Person Plus Icon on Instagram?

Method 4: Using Instagram on Desktop

If you’re someone who enjoys using Instagram on your computer rather than a mobile device, there’s a way to do so through your web browser. However, it’s important to note that the auto-scroll feature, which automatically loads new posts as you scroll down, is not available in the desktop version. Instead, this offers a more controlled scrolling experience.

To access Instagram on your desktop, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to Instagram’s website in your web browser on your computer.
  2. Head over to the official Instagram website.
  3. Sign in to your Instagram account as usual.
  4. Now you can browse through Instagram content on your desktop without the auto-scroll feature enabled, giving you better control over your viewing experience.

Why you might want to turn off auto scroll on Instagram?

If users find themselves wanting to disable the auto-scroll feature on Instagram, they often search for ways to do so. There could be various reasons behind this preference, which we’ll explore shortly.

1. Missed Content: The auto-scroll feature can be problematic as it might lead you to miss out on important posts or updates shared by your friends and family. Due to Instagram’s algorithm, there’s a possibility that you won’t get to see all the content you’re genuinely interested in.

2. Overwhelming: Users might experience feelings of being overwhelmed or require further clarification when faced with a substantial amount of content presented to them all at once.

3. Time Wasting: Excessive auto-scrolling can be quite the time-waster, as it often leads to mindless scrolling through your feed, leaving you unaware of just how much time has slipped away.

4. Difficulty finding a specific post: The auto-scroll feature may pose a challenge for users trying to locate specific posts or accounts, as it can make navigation a bit more difficult.

5. Reduced Engagement: Scrolling too quickly through your feed might cause you to miss opportunities to engage with your friends and followers through likes, comments, or sharing their content.

6. Need more control over content: Users often seek enhanced control over content consumption due to the rapid movement of the auto-scroll feature.

7. Battery Drain: Continuous auto-scrolling on your phone can lead to faster battery drain since it constantly loads new content.

8. Users can get bored: The auto-scroll feature’s intrusive nature might leave users feeling annoyed, as it can make it challenging to focus on a specific post or account.

In general, opting to disable auto-scroll on Instagram can foster a sense of intentionality and mindfulness in your social media usage.

Is it possible to disable auto scrolling directly on Instagram?

No, you cannot disable the auto-scroll feature on Instagram through the app’s settings. This functionality is built into Instagram and cannot be turned off manually.

Although Instagram doesn’t offer a native option for auto-scrolling, there’s a workaround available. Certain third-party applications can provide the auto-scroll feature, allowing you to use it on Instagram.

Moreover, this feature proves handy in the message section as well, enabling users to effortlessly scroll up and access older messages, particularly beneficial for those who actively use Instagram’s messaging service.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1: Why is my Instagram auto scrolling?

Ans: Instagram uses an auto-scroll feature to engage users and encourage prolonged app usage. Nonetheless, users have the option to disable this function for a more personalized experience.

Q 2: Can I customize the auto scroll feature on Instagram?

Ans: As of now, Instagram unfortunately doesn’t offer any customization options for its Auto Scroll feature. However, you can still disable this function by following the aforementioned steps.

Q 3: Can you turn off auto-scroll on Instagram for all accounts?

Ans: Regrettably, Instagram doesn’t offer a built-in option to disable auto-scroll for all accounts at once. Nevertheless, you can refer to the previously mentioned steps to individually turn off the auto-scroll for each account.

Q 4: Are there any risks in using third-party apps or browser extensions to turn off auto-scroll on Instagram?

Ans: Using third-party apps or browser extensions can potentially compromise your Instagram account’s security. It is recommended to only use trusted and reputable third-party services and to never share your Instagram login credentials.

Q 5: How do I turn off auto scroll on Instagram Android?

Ans: At present, there is no direct way to turn off this Instagram feature. Nevertheless, you can explore other approaches to address your scrolling issues, such as reverting to an older version or using the desktop version. Check out our methods below for more detailed answers.


By following these provided steps, you can put an end to stop Instagram from scrolling to the top Android.

It’s a simple yet effective solution that grants you the freedom to view stories and posts in your desired order.

Moreover, this method conserves data and battery life by avoiding the constant reloading of content you’ve already seen.

Should you ever wish to revert to the original scrolling method, don’t forget to adjust the settings accordingly.

If you found this guide useful, please consider sharing it with others who might also be dealing with the same issue.

Additionally, if you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to leave a comment or reach out to us directly. We’re here to help you get the most out of your Instagram experience.

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Mike Anderson

Mike Anderson

Hello, I'm Mike Anderson, your author at We Are Smart Tech, a tech enthusiast from New Jersey. Our website provides the latest articles related to technology, mobiles, laptops, computers, gadgets, and the Internet. We explain things in a really easy way. Follow us for cool tech info.

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